The recommendation agency shall examine the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of application materials for resumption of listing of the company, and issue a letter of listing sponsor after confirming that the company is qualified for resumption of listing and guarantee to undertake joint and several liabilities. 保荐机构应当对公司恢复上市申请材料的真实性、准确性和完整性进行核查,在确信公司具备恢复上市条件后出具恢复上市保荐书,并保证承担连带责任。
A recommendation party shall bear the joint and several liabilities together with the relevant issuer, except for one who is able to prove his exemption of fault. 发行人的控股股东、实际控制人有过错的,应当与发行人承担连带责任。
Where any loss has been incurred to an investor, the securities company shall bear the joint and several liabilities of compensation together with the issuer. 给投资者造成损失的,应当与发行人承担连带赔偿责任。
A Discussion on Non-Authentic Joint and Several Liabilities in Double Insurance 论重复保险责任的非真正连带性
Thinking About The System Of Unlimited Joint And Several Liabilities: On The Establishment Of Bankruptcy System For Unincorporate Enterprises 对无限连带责任制度的再思考:谈非法人企业破产制度的确立
The legal effect is that the actors should undertake the joint and several liabilities to victim, while they divide the inner liability among themselves on the principle of average division and the exception of proportional division. 其法律效力,倾向于各行为人对受害人承担连带责任,内部的责任分摊以平均分摊为原则,以比例承担为例外;
Consequently, although the actual investors do not have shareholders 'status outside, they should assume joint and several liabilities to third party with the dummy shareholders in the case of knowing the truth. 所以,尽管实际出资人对外不具有股东地位,但在实际出资人为第三人知晓的情况下,也应当由实际出资人和名义股东对第三人承担连带责任。
In view of the disadvantages of the unreal joint and several liabilities system, the author raises comments and suggestions to improve the unreal joint and several liabilities system, looking forward to help the legislation and judicial practice. 针对我国不真正连带制度的不足之处,提出自己的意见和建议来完善我国的不真正连带债务制度,期待对我国的立法和司法实践有所帮助。
Joint tort system began from committed in the private and simple system of joint and several liabilities in Roman law. 共同侵权制度肇始于罗马法中的私犯和单纯连带责任制度。
The meaning of joint and several liabilities in part by a discussion, focuses on the value of joint and several liability regime. 该部分由连带责任的含义展开讨论,重点阐述连带责任制度的价值。
When the disputes involving anonymous contribution, special attentions should be paid to the interests the third party acting in good faith, if necessary, the actual investors should take on joint and several liabilities to the company and the third party. 在涉及隐名出资纠纷的时候,必须特别保护善意第三人的利益,必要情况下,应当要求实际出资人对公司和第三人承担连带责任。
This paper researches three questions of joint and several liabilities action. 本文研究连带债务诉讼三个问题。
When the actual investors exercised the shareholders 'rights, the actual investors and the dummy shareholders should undertake the joint and several liabilities to the company. 实际出资人实际行使股东权利的情况下,应该由实际出资人与名义出资人对公司承担连带责任。
Probe into concept of Guan Gong, national laws, the patriarchal rules, and the role of joint and several liabilities on the integrity of Shanxi merchants in Ming and Qing Dynasties;ⅳ. The relationship between patriarchal system and the employment in Ming and Qing Dynasties. 探讨关公理念、国家法律、家族宗法和连带责任对明清晋商诚信的作用;三、明清时期家长制与雇佣关系。
Common violations against the intimacy privacy refer to violation conducted by two or more, who should be held joint and several liabilities for the infringements. 共同侵权是指两人或两人以上共同侵害共同隐私的情形,加害人应当承担连带的侵权责任。
With the increasing development of social insurance and social security system, the western legal circle of tort law starts to reexamine the joint and several liabilities and speculates and doubts the current justification of joint and several liabilities system. 伴随着社会保险、社会保障事业的不断发展,西方侵权法学界开始对连带责任制度进行反思,尖锐的抨击和质疑连带责任制度在当下的正当性。
Expanding application of joint and several liabilities together with confused boundary of joint torts jeopardize the situation of the multiple persons 'torts with no intention or negligence. 连带责任的扩张适用、共同侵权行为的边界模糊使得无意思联络的数人侵权不断走向衰亡。